18/05/22 | @valuedstandards | Help me!

What CSS to prefix?


The advice on this little one-pager here will be wrong. It will contain (syntax) errors and will be outdated sometimes. I hope to avoid this as much as possible and I’ll try to keep the information correct and up-to-date but I will not manage to do this 100%. This is why I need your help. I also need you to think for yourself (see under ‘Opinionated’).

There are so many super-valuable resources online! Things like CSS3 Please, can I use and HTML5 Please. But these also will be outdated and incorrect at times. For this reason I decided to focus this page on a tiny subset of stuff: prefixes for newer CSS features.


You should definitely take a look at Autoprefixer: it parses your CSS and adds vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use. Like Magic!

If you are looking for cross browser CSS3 rules you should probably take a look at CSS3 Please, this page simply attempts to list the prefixes (if any) for newer CSS features in modern browser.


Obviously, to prefix or not to prefix is your own responsability. You should take the visitors of your site into account. The stats that matter are those of your site.

I have chosen to take a ‘progressive’ approach: when a browser ‘three versions back’ still requires a prefix I will include it. If it is older I exclude that prefix.

With Opera adopting the WebKit rendering engine I have/will exclude -o- from these examples. The one exception, at the moment, is -o-text-overflow for Opera Mini.

Just use XYZ!

Yes, I know jQuery can probably handle your prefix-needs ;) But I’ve found that even really cool tools such as Compass and Bourbon and Prefixfree etc. are sometimes out-of-date. And some of us maintain our own mixin libraries or do not want to rely on Javascript.

Why do you hate crossbrowser CSS (IE)!?

I don’t. Actually: Internet Explorer 11 is pretty neat. IE10+ is the only browser to support CSS3 Grid Layout. But: this site does not aim to provide cross-browser CSS It’s goal is to clarify which properties (still) need prefixing. It is up to you to look for (IE) work arounds like filter and SVG stuff etc.

This page does not deal with all CSS features!

But lists newer CSS stuff — and their prefixes — that will be most difficult to keep up with.

It does not matter to have unneeded prefixes in my CSS!

Correct. It matters little. Now. If it does not matter to you just chuck ‘em all in and have the next front-end developer figure out what part of your CSS is still relevant. Kindly dismiss this site and have a good laugh about it. It has given me a little evening project ;)

Prefixes suck!

Sure. That’s like ‘your opinion’ :) Whatever. Dealing with prefixes is still a reality for every front-end developer.


Thanks! If you have any thoughts or just want to say this is a nice (or lame) idea, holla @valuedstandardsGo back to the list